Delivery Questions
Please allow up to 14 working days for the items to arrive as lost in transit items are usually located and delivered within that time-frame, if 14 working ...
Usually delivery should take no more than 3 to 5 working days. However, we ask that you allow up to 14 working days for the items to arrive, as all items ar...
Unfortunately, once you place an order the delivery address cannot be changed. If you need the order to be cancelled, please email us via this link.
We deliver to all areas of IE. We do not ship outside of Ireland.
It usually takes just 3 to 5 working days for orders to arrive. However, we do ask that you allow up to 14 working days for delivery. Please note that you m...
Orders placed on may be sourced from various stores around IE, as such you may receive them in separate packages. Our systems are designed in such...
There is a postage and packaging charge of €3.50 per individual item valued up to €100.00. Any individual item purchased over the value of €100.00 will not ...
We only use An Post as a courier service to deliver online orders to the customer's address.