How long do I have to drop the order at the store?
The price quoted for your order is valid for 3 days from when you create the order. Any orders that arrive after this, may have the price updated to the current value.
The status of my order still shows "Awaiting Delivery"
Please note that the status of your Order will always remain at "Awaiting Delivery" and will not change.
How long would it take to receive my payment?
Once the store has completed testing your items, payment via Bank Transfer (FPS) is usually made to your account within 1 working day. If the order is processed on Friday, Saturday or Sunday then the payment should arrive in your account by Tuesday at the latest.
I've not received any order confirmation or a test receipt as proof?
You only need to quote the Order Number to our store staff when handing over the goods. You do not receive a test receipt or an acknowledgement email for drop and go orders.
I want to change my payment method.
Email us via the support page of the website, if the order has not already been processed we can get that changed for you.
How long do I have to collect items that have failed?
Failed items have to be collected within 14 days, failing which they will be recycled.
Please Note: This service is in the trial stage and is subject to change.